Advanced Lipidology

Preventative diagnostic services for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes

N27 W23953 Paul Road, Suite 101
Pewaukee, WI 53072

Advanced Lipidology provides primary and secondary preventative diagnostic services, interventions, weight loss consultations, and focused medical management to men, women and children with risk factors for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. These patients would typically be identified and referred by their primary care physician for consultation but may also be self referred.

Typical referrals may be a patient with one or more of the following:

Services Overview

Advanced Lipidology provides primary and secondary prevention services (diagnostic, interventions, consultation, and focused medical management) to men, women and children with risk factors for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

CIMT Scans

Advanced Lipidology offers CIMT scans. A CIMT scan is a FDA approved, non-invasive technique using ultrasound (sound waves) to detect and quantify vascular disease (plaque build-up) and cardiovascular risk before any symptoms occur.

Lab Assessments

Advanced Lipidology offers cutting edge advanced lab testing, including new technology and biochemical markers that will allow detection of hidden risks even when you may look healthy, feel healthy and have “normal” LDL-C (bad cholesterol) and HDL-C (good cholesterol).

Pediatric Services

Children have always held a special place in my heart, particularly children and families who struggle with weight issues. My passion for helping children and their family’s reach an optimal level of health resulted in the development of Healthy ‘n Fit Families.